Price Precision

All guesses and BTC/USD weekly close prices will be denominated & stored to the US cent ($0.01) rounded down / floored, and therefore any/all winners will be those who guessed the weekly close at $0.01 precision of the final stored price.

We wanted to support an easy enough price precision that it was possible to win on some relative frequency, particularly when there are increasing numbers of entries as the jackpot fills up, but difficult enough to win so that the jackpot continues building up over time. We also wanted to ensure that it was relatively unfeasible & expensive to purchase enough tickets in bulk to spread guesses across wide ranges of the chart (i.e. at $2/ticket with a precision of $0.01, it costs $20 to buy tickets to buy guesses across $0.10 of the BTC/USD close price, $200 to buy guesses across $1 of the close price, $2k to buy guesses across $10 of the close price, $20k to buy guesses across $100 of the close price, and so on).

Last updated